vineri, 14 martie 2008

Raspunsuri Oracle

Dra(c)gi boracles va prezint raspunsurile la Oracle© by Răzaules


Sectiunea 1

Quiz lectia 1 :

Link <- click acilea ! Woot ! ^^ Quiz L2 : 1. False 2. 01.jan.04 3. 50 4. dates and numbers 5. mod Quiz L3: 1. Select truth(months) 2. True 3. 11 Jul 94 4. This is not valid 5. Last day 6. 01.jan 04 S2 L1 1. False 2. Yes oracle 3. The rr date 1989,.... 2089 4. Select_to char salary($99999.00) 5. a,b,c true 6. select_to_char (ddbl.yyy) S2 L2. 1. Will the employee -> king -1; kocher -1 ; vergas -1 ;
2. (tabel) -> king -1 ; koch 100 vargas 124
3. The statement fails (If quebthly is ...)
4. The following Select 121/Null - FALSE
5. Wich function ... NULLIF

S2 T3:
1. Case and decode -> TRUE
2. Wich of the following -> CASE
3. For the given : Ring - AN oter ; kochler -> king; De happn -> king ; Ernst -> AN other
4. Which statement -> alegeti prima

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